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Version Compare/Merge: The Program
- To: <xanatech>
- Subject: Version Compare/Merge: The Program
- From: Marc Stiegler <marcs>
- Date: Sat, 7 Apr 90 23:23:05 PDT
Here's some sample output from the program. The program
itself is not user friendly; if you want to operate it
yourself, please see me. In the meantime, if you have a
particular transformation you are curious about, send me
the original and final documents, and I can generate the
results for you.
Each phrase here is a Scheme atom. The phrases are
collected into primitive runs before starting. Insertion
runs are denoted angle brackets: >insert<. Deletion runs
are set off by straight brackets: [deletion]. Primitive
moves are set off by braces: {move}. Movement runs are set
off by parens; composite runs are set off by a second set
of parens.
Because the smallest object is a Scheme atom, and
because there are no duplicates allowed here (no vcopies),
certain operations will not be seen: in one example, there
is a word "bravely" in the original and the word "brave" in
the final. They are considered to be deleted and inserted.
For similar reasons, in one case the word "the" appears
twice; in one of the two instances it appears as "the2".
The overall algorithm calls for breaking up reverses
using the anchor method. I do not break it down here beyond
stating that they were reversed.
You may be surprised that, in the final transformation,
the deleted objects are still listed. Remember, the output
of this program is not a transformed document: we already
know what the final document looks like. The output is the
list of transformations. How the working document appears
at the end is not material (how it appears at the beginning
IS material, for another reason: that is what the document
should look like in our compare/merge window).
I am uncertain whether it is wise to look at the
original and final documents, and figure out how YOU would
transform them, before looking at the program's output. On
the one hand, this will give you a better grasp of the
problem the program faces. On the other hand, it will
create an astonishingly large bias in favor of one
particular transformation as being "correct". I personally
found that transformations which looked counterintuitive
to me after making the transformation myself looked
perfectly fine an hour later, after shedding my bias. On
different days, on different topics, I have noticed that
different Xanadians have either vastly less trouble than
normal humans in shedding such biases, or vastly more.
Which way do you feel today? :-)
First are some super simple samples, movements and
insertions of characters, building to some "reasonable"
examples, ending with some weird butcherings of sentences.
The very last 2 examples are examples of the algorithm
failing, in a way discussed in the final message in this
Next Original Document?
(a b c d)
Next Final Document?
(a d b)
Primitive Runs Analyzed: Version Compare Display
{a }{b }[c ]{d }
Move Runs Analyzed:
({a })({b })([c ]{d })
Reversed Sequence:
{b }
[c ]{d }
({a })([c ]{d })({b })
Next Original Document?
((a b c d e)
Next Final Document?
((e b c a d)
Primitive Runs Analyzed: Version Compare Display
{a }{b c }{d }{e }
Move Runs Analyzed:
({a })({b c })({d })({e })
Reversed Sequence:
{a }
{b c }
({b c })({a })({d })({e })
Reversed Sequence:
({b c })({a })({d })
{e }
({e })(({b c })({a })({d }))
Next Original Document?
((I ran very hard)
Next Final Document?
((I ran hard)
Primitive Runs Analyzed: Version Compare Display
{i ran }[very ]{hard }
Move Runs Analyzed:
({i ran }[very ]{hard })
Next Original Document?
((I rec i e ve d the rosan with joy)
Next Final Document?
((I with joy did the rosan rec e i ve)
Primitive Runs Analyzed: Version Compare Display
{i }{rec }{i }{e }{ve }[d ]>did <{the rosan }{with
joy }
Move Runs Analyzed:
({i })({rec })({i })({e })({ve })(>did <[d ]{the
rosan })({with joy })
Reversed Sequence:
{i }
{e }
({i })({rec })({e })({i })({ve })(>did <[d ]{the
rosan })({with joy })
Reversed Sequence:
({rec })({e })({i })({ve })
>did <[d ]{the rosan }
{with joy }
({i })({with joy })(>did <[d ]{the rosan })(({rec
})({e })({i })({ve }))
Next Original Document?
((I ran and then I2 walked)
Next Final Document?
((I walked and then I2 ran)
Primitive Runs Analyzed: Version Compare Display
{i }{ran }{and then i2 }{walked }
Move Runs Analyzed:
({i })({ran })({and then i2 })({walked })
Reversed Sequence:
{ran }
{and then i2 }
{walked }
({i })({walked })({and then i2 })({ran })
Next Original Document?
((I ran and then I2 walked)
Next Final Document?
((I2 walked and then I ran)
Primitive Runs Analyzed: Version Compare Display
{i ran }{and then }{i2 walked }
Move Runs Analyzed:
({i ran })({and then })({i2 walked })
Reversed Sequence:
{i ran }
{and then }
{i2 walked }
({i2 walked })({and then })({i ran })
Next Original Document?
((I the su x l r y bonds not earth ha e v slipped)
Next Final Document?
((I ha v e slipped the su r l y bonds of earth)
Primitive Runs Analyzed: Version Compare Display
{i }{the su }[x ]{l }{r }{y bonds }>of <[not ]{earth
}{ha }{e }{v }{slipped }
Move Runs Analyzed:
({i })({the su }[x ])({l })({r })({y bonds }>of
<[not ]{earth })({ha })({e })({v })({slipped })
Reversed Sequence:
{l }
{r }
({i })({the su }[x ])({r })({l })({y bonds }>of
<[not ]{earth })({ha })({e })({v })({slipped })
Reversed Sequence:
{e }
{v }
({i })(({the su }[x ])({r })({l })({y bonds }>of
<[not ]{earth }))({ha })({v })({e })({slipped })
Reversed Sequence:
({the su }[x ])({r })({l })({y bonds }>of <[not
]{earth })
({ha })({v })({e })({slipped })
({i })(({ha })({v })({e })({slipped }))(({the su }[x
])({r })({l })({y bonds }>of <[not ]{earth }))
Next Original Document?
((w h o man is how bravely he faces the infini e t)
Next Final Document?
((how mighty is man and how2 brave in the face of
the2 infini t e)
Primitive Runs Analyzed: Version Compare Display
[w h o ]{man }{is }{how }>mighty <[bravely he faces
]>and how2 brave in <{the }>face of the2 <{infini }{e
}{t }
Move Runs Analyzed:
([w h o ]{man }>and how2 brave in <)({is })({how
}>mighty <[bravely he faces ])({the }>face of the2
<{infini })({e })({t })
Reversed Sequence:
[w h o ]{man }>and how2 brave in <
{is }
{how }>mighty <[bravely he faces ]
({how }>mighty <[bravely he faces ])({is })([w h o
]{man }>and how2 brave in <)({the }>face of the2
<{infini })({e })({t })
Reversed Sequence:
{e }
{t }
(({how }>mighty <[bravely he faces ])({is })([w h o
]{man }>and how2 brave in <)({the }>face of the2
<{infini }))({t })({e })
Next Original Document?
((a b c d e)
Next Final Document?
((b e c a d)
Primitive Runs Analyzed: Version Compare Display
{a }{b }{c }{d }{e }
Move Runs Analyzed:
({a })({b })({c })({d })({e })
{d }
{a }
({a })({d })({b })({c })({e })
Reversed Sequence:
{c }
{e }
(({a })({d }))({b })({e })({c })
Reversed Sequence:
({a })({d })
({b })({e })({c })
(({b })({e })({c }))(({a })({d }))