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:zz: Operations defined for ZZTP ( zzOplists.D8

zzOplists  D8

(This is in part a sequel to "PROPOSED ZIGZAG MODULES AND THEIR
CONNECTION", zzmod.D4, 01.09.27).  It is also a companion to "PROPOSED

In "Proposed ZigZag Transport Protocol (zztp.D8 or later) I proposed a
format for ZigZag service to and from a client.

Let us consider how some this plays across the basic ZZ operations.

[ list somewhat modified from zzmod.D4 ]

Let us now look at the basic operations and some less-basic ones.


== TYPE 1A-- return the cell number, but cursor doesn't go there

  whichcur GO absno
  whichcur NEXEL absno
  whichcur HEADCELL absdir

== TYPE 1B-- cursor goes to cell  (CONSTITUENTS OF MANY OPS)

  whichcur STEP absdir

  whichcur GO-TO-HEADCELL absdir

  whichcur NEW absdir

  whichcur CONNECT absno   [ this is the original connection operation;
Tuomas' contribution, CONNECT-CURSORS, can be parsed into this format  ]
  whichcur DISCONNECT absdir
  whichcur CONTENTS absno   [ gets the contents ]
== NON-KERNEL OPERATIONS  (which can be generally implemented in terms of
the earlier ones)

  whichcur HOP absdir

  whichcur CLONE absdir

  whichcur EXCHANGE whichcur  [exchanges two cursors]

  EXECUTE absno arg arg... [ may or may not take arguments, resolved from
elsewhere e.g-- (1) as defined in a command which calls this one as a
routine; (2) posward +d.1 on command line typed by user ]

  whichcur OPEN-FOR-EDITING absno   [ closing after edit is not a ZigZag
operation-- at least in the current specification ]

== NEVER-YET-IMPLEMENTED OPERATIONS  (which can be generally implemented in
terms of the earlier ones)

  whichcur CHUG1 absdir absdir absdir...  [ the second and additional
arguments tell what dimensions to chug relative to ]  (This chugs one
connection only; pileup conditions are here ignored)
  whichcur CHUGALL absdir absdir...   [ the second and additional arguments
tell what dimensions to chug relative to ]  (This chugs all connections)

  whichcur CHUGALL-CIRC absdir absdir ... [ the second and additional
arguments tell what dimensions to chug relative to ]  (This chugs all
connections in a circle, whether or not the rank is circular)
  whichcur SHEAR absdir absdir   [ the second and additional arguments tell
what will be the direction of the cut, then what will be the direction of
the cursor's relative movement, and what dimensions it is relative to ]
  whichcur CURSORFORK  [  creates a new first-class cursor in the same
location  ]
  whichcur KILLCURSOR [  evaporates the current cursor  ]
  whichcur SUBCURSOR   [ creates a subordinate cursor managed by another
cursor, to be used in some sub-operation ]
  whichcur KILLSUBCURSOR   [ evaporates the current subcursor, but only if
it is a subcursor in some current set.  Killing the last subcursor of a set
is effectively a return-from-subroutine to a parent cursor above ]


  whichcur RASTER  [ sends out the current raster list, somehow
linearized-- how linearized to be dealt with later ]
  whichcur REFRESH [ sends out the current raster list, with contents,
somehow linearized-- how linearized to be dealt with later ]
  whichcur VIEWMODE typeno   [ selects a view type ]
  whichcur CELLVIEWMODE typeno   [ selects a cellview type ]

Theodor Holm Nelson              
Project Professor, Keio University SFC Campus, Fujisawa, Japan
Visiting Professor, University of Southampton, England
 ?  e-mail: ted@xxxxxxxxxx   ?  world-wide fax 1/415/332-0136
 ?  http://www.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~ted/    ?  http://www.xanadu.net
 ? Coordinates in USA      Tel. 415/ 331-4422
  Project Xanadu, 3020 Bridgeway #295, Sausalito CA 94965