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Weekly Planning Meeting, 11/6

Highlights 11/6:

The big congratulations this week go to dean, hill, and rick. 

Rick completed another of those nasty but necessary management 
tasks: he finished a new PERT chart for Montage. 

Mr. hill published the next smalltalk merge, which was another 
of these real traumatic merges. 

Dean completely mastered the fine art of breaking a task down 
into pieces small enough so you can really see progress (and 
also small enough so you can really see how many little tasks 
there ARE, which is so critical to reliable forecasting of the 
duration of the nightmare :-) In consequence, he not only completed 
a lot of work for the write-to-disk milestone, he also completed 
a lot of separately identified tasks: 15, in fact. I'm sure this 
was even more satisfying to dean than it was to me, and it was 
very satisfying to me :-)

Congratulations also go to roger, who has Tapestry compiling 
under C++.

Meetings: Joel, mlb, incorporation of factories in developer 
pack, for Key Logic negotiation. Rick, mlb, marcs, priority of 
PC server. Roger, paul, news in xanadu. Paul, markm, hill, db 
networking question. Dean, michael, remaining divergence in snarfs. 
Bill, marcs, discuss 4.1 upgrade. Markm, michael, et. al, hiding 
virtuals. Hugh, michael, bugs in sets. Roger, markm, backup vlad. 
Roland, michael, the return of a const parameter in C. Roger, 
ravi, where font info lies. 

Anyway, this week's task list is as follows:

A.       dean

x    11/06/90     rearrange protocols in shepard stub
x    11/06/90     add category to instantiateFlock
x    11/06/90     add disk update flag to shepherds
x    11/06/90     fix commentts in snarf record
x    11/06/90     make a  fake urdi view
x    11/06/90     make a fake snarf handle
x    11/06/90     make snarf handlers real, make them use snarf handle
x    11/06/90     make snarf packer use the fake urdi view
x    11/06/90     check destruct methods for operations after super destruct
x    11/06/90     throw out rest home
x    11/06/90     hand ravi archiving
x    11/06/90     explain lock stuff to chris
x    11/06/90     clean up existing purge methods
x    11/06/90     invent forwarder protocol
x    11/06/90     make a purge operation that only purges clean things
     11/13/90     make everything compile
     11/13/90     add forgotten count to snarfs
     11/13/90     add rest home clean up to snarf packer
     11/23/90     remember what doesn't work in signals

B.       hill

x    11/06/90     send image to markm for documentation
     11/13/90     fix socket memory leak
     11/13/90     new server for Montage team

C.       hugh

     11/13/90     finish linkend window
     11/20/90     integrate linkend window

D.       markm

     11/13/90     start documentation
     12/06/90     message on overloading
     12/06/90     constructor bombs in smalltalk
     12/27/90     tests for clubs

E.       marcs

x    11/06/90     get tv brick for tracy
x    11/06/90     draft plan for documentation, start work toward consensus
     11/13/90     start gearing up adesk depts for xana effort next year
     11/13/90     get chris allen for interview
     11/28/90     collect sqa notes
     11/28/90     start second round of patenting work
     11/30/89     figure out whether links are standalone objects

F.       michael

     11/13/90     interface to urdi
     11/13/90     viewhandler: connect to dean's stuff

G.       ravi

     11/13/90     pc server problems identified
     11/27/90     minispire implemented in C
     11/30/90     add wait for open to gatekeeper since sensors work (from markm list)

I.       roger

     11/13/90     tapestry compiling
     11/13/90     merge ravi's whole application

J.       roland

     11/06/90     write translator for C++ to documentation 
     11/06/90     enhance crutch to be wheelchair

K.       Bill

     11/06/90     upgrade suns to 4.1

L.       Joel

x    11/06/90     revenue budget for autodesk for 92
     12/21/90     find replacement for bobp

M.       Chris

x    10/30/90     mail message, compile error with new proxies
     11/13/90     keep track of disks, stubble code
     11/13/90     figure out sys admin
     11/30/90     display a version compare

N.       Rick

     11/13/90     PERT chart

O.       Paul

     11/13/90     scheduler design for montage

P.       Andy

     10/30/90     figure out sun windows
     11/07/90     Port Rick's sunview interface
     11/30/90     Investigate SIOW for main tty window
     11/30/90     browser

Q.       Rob

x    11/13/90     got car :-)

L.       Small Tasks List

    add newlines to the smalltalk transcripts
    Cleanup region code
    Sequence # in smalltalk, dean & michael versions
    Test files
    fix stubble for 1-way connections for dean

L.       Deferred Meetings:

     Chris, hugh, schnerts.
     After First Dev Release, markm, chris, deletion of actual
                 object, propagate comm properly
     Roger, hugh, reproducible Tapestry tests.
     discuss stubble for ADI with autodesk
     Dean, michael, structured debug on the ent.
     Michael, dean, markm, ravi, efficiency of internsets.
     Roger,, hugh, dean, ravi discuss system independent attributes 
                  for the frontends  after fm does paragraphs.
     Roland, dean, discuss xlint commands in smalltalk.
     Markm, hill, discuss explicit deletion of orgls & refcount deletion.
     Markm, hill, discuss exception handling on sensors between comm handlers.
     Dean, roger, michael, markm, discuss sequence numbers of size 4 billion.
     Dean, markm, discuss intersecting backfollow ideas.
     Hill, markm, matching on underscore.
     Markm, dean, does not propagating unreadable clubs optimization 
               overlap delayed installation in ent?
     Michael, dean, markm, LRU on RAM objects (snarfs, flocks, etc).

M.       Unassigned

     incremental gc during perf eng
     merge contact databases
     scenario documents (markm, dean
     tutorial for users on the frontend
     reference manual for users on the frontend
     test scaffolding, code exercisers
