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Weekly Planning Meeting, 9/4

Highlights 9/04:

The big congratulations this week go to michael, paul, and ravi. 
Michael has persistent objects being transmitted successfully 
to snarfs--yet another critical piece of getting data written 
to disk. Paul completed engines for elk scheme, the foundation 
of Montage. And ravi has written the layer of software above 
the ent that extracts the version comparison information, so 
that Chris may proceed on getting that information to the user. 

Meetings:  Andy, talk to hugh about I/O in MPW.Hugh, chris, comparison 
tools in fm. Chris, give hill the new calc.Mr. hill, markm, discuss 
changeclass. Markm, look at hill's problem in create catcher. 
Marcs, markm, motivation. Michael, dean, snarf packing. Hugh, 
marcs, next task. Roland, ravi, marcs, spire. Ravi, dean, markm, 
virtual clubs. Marcs, markm task breakout 2PM Saturday.  Roger, 
ravi, where font info lies. 

Anyway, this week's task list is as follows:

A.       dean

x    9/04/90     task list for bert/stamp reclamation
     9/11/90     what doesn't work in signals
     9/04/90     stamp reclaiming
     9/28/90     berts & stamps gc
     9/11/90     finalization in smalltalk

B.       hill

x    8/28/90     grandhash to snarf
     9/11/90     changeclass
     9/11/90     alpha 8
     9/11/90     help roland with stubble

C.       hugh

     9/11/90     incremental text redisplay

D.       markm

x    9/04/90     chameleon stubs (12)
     9/11/90     constructor bombs in smalltalk
     9/11/90     virtual clubs for iobject creation, break into tasks
     9/21/90     message on overloading

E.       marcs

     9/11/90     new documentation approach for spire
     9/11/90     message on videotaping
     9/28/90     collect sqa notes
     9/28/90     start second round of patenting work
     9/30/89     figure out whether links are standalone objects

F.       michael

x    9/04/90     persistent objects transmitted to snarf
     9/11/90     snarf receiver working
     9/11/90     snarf transceiver working
     9/11/90     discover size and construct ram object (6)
     9/11/90     write Shepherd Stub recipe (4)
     9/11/90     teach stubble to shephard stubs, shepherd recipe(2)

G.       ravi

x    9/04/90     orgl comparison
     9/11/90     compile the server under ms-dos
     9/11/90     enhance smalltalk to ignore groups of conflicts
     9/11/90     ID, Ipos
     9/18/90     spire design

I.       roger

x    9/04/90     found a C++ 2.1 compiler 
     9/11/90     xanatext in xwindows from xanadu

J.       roland

     9/11/90     learn smalltalk
     9/11/90     type resolutions of expressions and assignment to "this"
     9/11/90     run ceran over the world

K.       Bill

x    9/04/90     got chris's sun working
x    9/04/90     calc running with enthusiastic gc
     9/11/90     debug proxy deletes for garbage collector
     9/11/90     make garbage collector work across lan

L.       Joel

     9/21/90     find replacement for bobp

M.       Chris

x    9/11/90     comparison in smalltalk
     9/11/90     mail message, compile error with new proxies
     9/11/90     learn fm

N.       Rick

     9/11/90     models for manipulators

O.       Paul

x    9/11/90     engines
     9/11/90     ld-r working
     9/11/90     trace command

P.       Andy

     9/11/90     varags fixed

Q.       Rob

x    9/04/90     beat up continuations

L.       Small Tasks List

    add newlines to the smalltalk transcripts
    Cleanup region code
    Sequence # in smalltalk, dean & michael versions
    Test files
    fix stubble for 1-way connections for dean

L.       Deferred Meetings:

     Markm, paul, rick, zstep debugger
     Roger, hugh, reproducible Tapestry tests.
     discuss stubble for ADI with autodesk
     Dean, michael, structured debug on the ent.
     Michael, dean, markm, ravi, efficiency of internsets.
     Roger,, hugh, dean, ravi discuss system independent attributes
                for the frontends  after fm does paragraphs.
     Roland, dean, discuss xlint commands in smalltalk.
     Markm, hill, discuss explicit deletion of orgls & refcount deletion.
     Markm, hill, discuss exception handling on sensors between comm handlers.
     Dean, roger, michael, markm, discuss sequence numbers of size 4 billion.
     Dean, markm, discuss intersecting backfollow ideas.
     Ravi, roger, discuss common view.
     Hill, markm, matching on underscore.
     Markm, dean, does not propagating unreadable clubs optimization
                overlap delayed installation in ent?
     Michael, dean, markm, LRU on RAM objects (snarfs, flocks, etc).

M.       Unassigned

     merge contact databases
     scenario documents (markm, dean
     tutorial for users on the frontend
     reference manual for users on the frontend
     test scaffolding, code exercisers
