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Weekly Planning Meeting, 3/6

Highlights 3/6:

The big congratulations this week go to hugh and ravi and markm 
and dean. Hugh has selection working correctly in the text pane 
of Tapestry, and can now also edit the linkEnd descriptor. Markm 
and ravi got filtered backfollow working (though I understand 
that it has broken again since the meeting :-)

Meanwhile, as those of you watching xtech know, Dean rewrote 
the ent and made it smaller, more elegant, etc., etc. However, 
that is NOT what dean gets congratulations for. He gets congratulations 
for completing a large number of tasks that needed to be completed 
in the ent, including pack of chars and the coordinate space 
for the pack o bits orgl. The fact that he completed these tasks 
by deleting code from the system (as michael says, removing the 
code that was preventing it from working) is interesting but 
secondary :-)

Dean also completed another very important task this week: he 
defined what it means for fm to be done well enough so that he 
can move on to other things. Wonderfully, now that the ending 
is defined, fm v1 is almost done, and dean goes on to work on 
the next big project: archiving. This makes me breathe a sigh 
of relief; archiving has been postponed again and again for over 
a year now :-)

Congratulations to michael, who completed bomb factories, and 
who figured out how to prevent data fragmentation in the ent.

Congratulations also to bill, who won a lunch bet from hill by 
finding a problem in the garbage collection. And congratulations 
to hill, who built "hello world" with primArrays. 

Ah, yes. Let me not forget. A congratulations goes to ravi for 
best limerick, composed in real time during the planning meeting. 
Frightening :-)
Meetings: Markm, michael, roger, dean, should urdi be in smalltalk? 
Bobp, roland, ceran. Hill, roland, a crutch string problem. Michael, 
marcs, cache link at both ends. Markm, find Z-stip paper for 
rick. Ravi, dean, rick, markm, unify view builder and waldo maker. 
Hill, Roland, michael, discuss crutch.Bobp, joel, marcs, discuss 
Apple and smalltalk. Marcs, dean, joel, parc place strategy. 
Dean, michael, structured debug on the ent. Michael, dean, break 
up the ent for the disk on Tuesday. Michael, dean, markm, ravi, 
efficiency of internsets. 

Anyway, this week's task list is as follows:

A.       dean

x    3/06/90     define the ending of fm
x    3/06/90     pack of chars
x    3/06/90     pack o bits orgl
x    3/06/90     coordinate space for pack o bits orgl
     3/06/90     item selection
     3/20/90     inclusion list coord space
     3/27/90     design archiving
     3/27/90     allocation sequence numbers
     3/27/90     printing sequence numbers

B.       hill

     3/60/90     primArray in C++
     3/13/90     X++ implementation of the primAray
     2/30/89     write mail about X++ upgrades and garbage collection

C.       hugh

x    3/13/90     selection in text pane
x    3/06/90     edit link end descriptor
     3/13/90     make a link
     3/13/90     correct model's protocol
     3/30/89     update broadcast

D.       markm

x    3/06/90     document critical_block macro in X++
x    3/20/90     filtered backfollow
     3/13/90     props, canopies
     3/20/90     lunch bet on club security
     3/20/90     initial doc of public club
     3/20/90     enforcement of clubs
     3/27/90     respond to semantics email
     3/27/90     merge necromancers with dependencies
     3/27/90     merge necromancers with counted pointers
     3/20/90     complete to do list from alpha 3

E.       marcs

x    3/06/90     nondisclosure with key logic
x    3/06/90     ableson and sussman
x    3/06/90     draft opus on online documentation
     3/13/90     greg lutz, return to autofact
     3/13/90     check patent issues for shipping the system overview
     3/24/90     rough draft of AMIX/Xanadu frontend comparison
     3/24/90     rough draft AMIX/Xanadu integration plan
     3/24/90     start second round of patenting work
     3/27/90     merge algorithm
     3/30/89     figure out whether links are standalone objects
     3/30/90     discuss stubble for ADI with autodesk

F.       michael

x    3/06/90     bomb factories
     3/13/90     fixed array
     3/13/90     u ent f1 fixed array
     3/06/90     figure out ent
     3/06/90     put urdi under smalltalk

G.       ravi

x    3/06/90     integrate markm's waldos, endorsements
     3/13/90     caddoc for autofact
     3/13/90     partiality for autofact
     3/13/90     do comm in smalltalk
     3/13/90     tree orgls
     3/13/90     run fe to D & L across LAN on Sun

H.       bobp

x    2/27/90     first shippable overview complete
     3/13/90     waldos layer documented
     3/20/90     sensors in the overview

I.       roger

x    3/06/90     compiled parts of fm
     3/20/90     get fm running under open look
     3/20/90     traverse to acad, traverse from acad

J.       roland

     3/13/90     ceran
     3/30/90     write grammar for formic
     3/30/90     parser with expression semantics
     3/30/90     xlint check for assign to a parameter variable and assignment to "this"
     3/28/90     automatic documenter

K.       Bill

x    3/06/90     fix letter bomb memory leak
     3/13/90     nowait interaction with letter bombs
     3/13/90     integrate with X++
     3/13/90     figure out the backup setup

K.       Joel

x    2/27/90     call dave pollock at parc place
x    2/27/90     investigate tools marketplace
     3/06/90     followup with pollock

L.       Jacque

     3/06/90     start maintaining the infofactory documentation
     3/06/90     prep to start writing user manual for infofactory

L.       Rick

x    2/27/90     prepare Montage presentation
     3/06/90     present Montage to Autodesk

L.       Deferred Meetings:

     Roger,, hugh, dean, ravi discuss system independent attributes
                        for the frontends  after fm does paragraphs.
     Dean, markm, region splay.
     Roland, dean, discuss xlint commands in smalltalk. 
     Markm, hill, discuss explicit deletion of orgls & refcount deletion. 
     Markm, hill, discuss exception handling on sensors between comm handlers.
     Dean, roger, michael, markm, discuss sequence numbers of size 4 billion. 
     Dean, markm, discuss intersecting backfollow ideas. 
     joel, marcs, discuss terminology in X++ for developer release 
(particularly necromancers and related tools)
     Ravi, roger, discuss common view.

M.       Unassigned

     merge contact databases
     scenario documents (markm, dean
     integrating ent is a nasty problem
     How well will canopy rebalancing perform?
     Tumblers as subclass of partiallyOrdered
     tutorial for users on the frontend
     reference manual for users on the frontend
     test scaffolding, code exercisers
     rollin, rollout a la Univac
     subaccounts, permissions on FE
     sys admin, i.e., archiving and partitioning disks
