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July 11 Planning Meeting


The big congratulations this week go to markm and hill. Markm 
has subhands working, and all the code for the documents and 
links layer compiled. Hill continued building memory reclamation 
software, now for data that is persistent for a single session. 
It's particularly satisfying to have a week when the congratulations 
go to the guys on the critical path; it means we survived the 

Big thanks this week go to a bunch of people. Thanks go to Dean 
for a couple of things. First he remembered that Ted had created 
an audio record of the last semantics design, which we can now 
use to construct the first generation of documentation. At that 
point, the thanks go to Jackie Scace, who managed to FIND the 
audio tapes, in the jungle sometimes humorously referred to as 
"Ted's Office".

Second, I'd like to thank Dean for capturing his old friend Ravi 
Pandya for an interview with Xanadu as our PC frontend developer. 
In this connection, thanks also go to Roger for remembering to 
ask the standard Xanadu question about Ravi without which we 
might not have interviewed him--does he do Windows? 

And as you might guess from this discussion, condolences this 
week go to Ravi Pandya, who has agreed to join the team. He's 
clearing up his affairs in Canada at this time, though he is 
also reading books on C++ and reviewing the documentation on 
the frontend and backend that we gave him.

Meetings: Markm or hill needs to discuss merkle hashing with 
michael. Marcs, michael need a followup meeting on the PERT. 
Markm, talk with robin about backfollow of endorsed objects of 
specified type on Friday at 2PM. The backend team needs to discuss 
how to not clobber each other at 2PM Wednesday. Michael, roland, 
discuss buffer sizes in stubble.Michael, hill, discuss publishing 
bogus URDI.High, hill, markm, discuss initial ids, where are 
documents when you start the session? Craig Harris will be in 
at 2PM Thursday.

Michael and Hugh, we need one of you two to be here Saturday 
at 10AM to meet Nat Stit.I will trust the two of you to coordinate 
and guarantee that someone is here at that time (ok?).

Anyway, this week's task list is as follows:

A.     dean

x    7/13/89     enhanced c++ translator except for loop expansion
x    7/13/89     figure out splitting in canopy
     7/20/89     complete c++ translator
     7/27/89     orgl operations

B.      hill

x    7/11/89     session scavenging
x    7/11/89     prealpha 15
x    7/18/89     put in destructors for all proxy objects
x    7/13/89     multi-task fluid variables
     7/18/89     session-persistent scavenging

C.       hugh

     7/20/89     fix paste to use vcopy
     7/27/89     flat document viewer

D.       markm

x    7/13/89     subhand layer
x    7/13/89     handrecord layer
x    7/13/89    all doc & link coded and compiled
     7/25/89     doc & links implemented
     8/02/89     merge x++ fixes with hill's

E.       marcs

x    7/13/89     distribute xanaspeak glossary
x    7/13/89     escort ravi on interviewing gauntlet
     7/20/89     work legal problems with ravi employment
     7/20/89     talk to dana about security system
     7/20/89     beat sun about catalyst
     7/20/89     beat apollo about para make
     7/27/89     racetrack
     7/20/89     think about bills friend getting exception handling
     7/28/89     rough draft of AMIX/Xanadu frontend comparison
     8/03/89     rough draft AMIX/Xanadu integration plan
     8/14/89     start second round of patenting work

F.       michael

     7/18/89     subdivide tasks for PERT
     7/18/89     URDI complete for sun 4
     7/27/89     teach everyone structured debug

G.       roger

x    7/13/89     map xaddress to text
     7/20/89     variable fonts with nonoptimal redisplay
     7/20/89     kick bowman on hard disks
     7/27/89     textedit working
     7/11/89     link editing
     7/11/89     comparison working with bogus
     7/18/89     walker FE in C++, version 2, with bogus

H.       roland

x    7/13/89     fixed stubble bugs
     7/20/89     minimal xlint operational
     7/27/89     whole first-generation xlint operational
     8/05/89     deal with expect/detect xlint 
     8/09/89     deal with multifile xlint
     8/15/89     optimize xlint
     8/15/89     automatic documenter
     8/20/89     concurrency/exceptions in stubble
     8/30/89     write morphic for parameterized checking of "ofs"

I.       Bill

x    7/11/89     hassles sun for 4.0.3
     7/11/89     upgrade telebits

J.       Lars

x    6/15/89     go to europe for 4 weeks

K.       Joel

x    7/13/89     draft mkt plan
     7/20/89     battle marcs over mkt plan
     7/20/89     interview on third party support
     7/20/89     graphics designer for new brochure
     7/20/89     review esther review

L.       Unassigned

     Tumblers as subclass of partiallyOrdered
     pc frontend
     tutorial for users on the frontend
     reference manual for users on the frontend
     make sure memory reclaimed properly
     test scaffolding, code exercisers
     rollin, rollout a la Univac
     subaccounts, permissions on FE
     sys admin, i.e., archiving and partitioning disks
     do we need object-pascal stubble?
     programmer's example
     encryption stuff (postBeta, maybe post release)
          study stanford key distribution system, licensing
          find single key system we trust
          find encryption hash we trust
          find authentication we trust